Harsh Healing Words from the Word


August 18th, 2020

11 mins 51 secs

Season 2

Your Host

About this Episode


For her benefit and for our benefit, the Lord draws faith out of the Canaanite woman. She becomes a remarkable example of what trusting prayer in faith looks like: Faith which is prompted by God coming to meet us first; Faith which does not deny our own needs while at the same time being compassionate towards others; faith that is persistent in asking for what we need and what others need; faith that asks for intercession from others; faith that is, above all else, humble, which recognizes with gratitude the gift God gives us. For when we desire in prayer, nothing other than the will of God, then it will be done in our lives.

Questions to Ponder

  1. When have you experienced silence from God? How have you reacted to God's seeming silence?
  2. How might God be working in your life to greater faith right now?
  3. What are areas of your life in which it is difficult to trust the Lord? What "harsh words" might the Lord use to rouse your faith?
  4. Who can you ask to pray for your intercessions today? Who can you pray for? (go do it, now!)