Excess and Defect 2020 #1 - Vice Precedence (Pride)


February 27th, 2020

34 mins 35 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

In this first episode of our Lenten series on the vices we talk about virtue and vice in general, how Christ is the model of virtue, and how pride is the root of all the vices in our lives.

An excellent intorduction to the Seven Capital Vices is [Glittering Vices by Rebecca DeYoung. ]((https://www.amazon.com/Glittering-Vices-Seven-Deadly-Remedies/dp/1587432323/ref=sr_1_2?crid=FB7EYUZUU7P5&keywords=glittering+vices&qid=1584046883&s=books&sprefix=glittering+%2Caps%2C340&sr=1-2)